Sieve : sievesrcipt

Phil Pennock info-cyrus-spodhuis at
Wed Nov 22 11:58:54 EST 2006

On 2006-11-22 at 16:50 +0100, Pieter Vanmeerbeek wrote:
> Is it possible to activate a sieve script with one command without having to
> specify the password before your command is executed?
> Or in other words is there a param to specify the password to use in the
> sievescript or installsieve cmds?
> I need to activate a sieve script from a non-interactive environment. 

Grab whichever is the latest version of "sieve_connect".

Use the --passwordfd option; to pipe the password on stdin, use

The command-line and the process environment are, on the vast majority
of OSes, visible to other users so you need to pass it as _private_
data, so via a pipeline.

If it doesn't connect for you, try invoking with -4 -- this is a bug in
IO::Socket::INET6 which isn't handling IPv4 fallback properly; I've
submitted a patch to fix that.


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