Sieve and reject: any way to not attach original mail ?

Sebastian Hagedorn Hagedorn at
Mon Nov 6 11:11:46 EST 2006

--On 6. November 2006 15:29:50 +0100 Christophe Boyanique <tof at> 

> I have a cyrus mail system with scripts like that:
> if size :over 2Mo {
> reject "Your mail is too big!";
> stop;
> }
> If user foo send a 4 Mo mail to user bar, then bar's sieve script will
> reject it and send a mail back containing the original mail. As this mail
> is bigger than 2Mo, then foo's sieve script will reject it and there will
> be a ping-pong loop and no notification for foo than the mail has not be
> delivered.
> Is there a way for sieve to not copy the original mail and just send the
> text specified in the script ?

That's a function of your MTA, not of Cyrus. With sendmail you can set it 
like this:

define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `´nobodyreturn')dnl
     .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18.:.
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
.:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-478-5587.:.
                   .:.:.:.Skype: shagedorn.:.:.:.
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