Auth methods

Michael Johnson kaiser at
Wed May 10 12:37:05 EDT 2006

Hi all

I've been looking into upgrading a server and part of that upgrade  
was to remove a lot of system users who simply need IMAP/SMTP access  
to the machine and nothing more.  Basically, I want to make /etc/ 
passwd a lot smaller than it currently is.

I was browsing through the documentation on the web site and found:

"The Cyrus IMAP server comes with two authorization mechanisms, one  
for use with Unix /etc/passwd files, one for use with Kerberos."

Is there no way to use Cyrus IMAP with MySQL/PostgreSQL/BDB/ 
other_non_db_source as an authentication source?  If there is, could  
someone please point me to a web site with some details on how to  
make this work?



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