Can't get sieve to send mail

Scott Bronson bronson at
Wed Mar 29 18:13:39 EST 2006

I'm running Cyrus 2.3.0.  Sieve works perfectly except that it
steadfastly refuses to send a notification.  For instance, with the
following script (generated by Avelsieve):

address :contains ["to", "cc"] "_deny"
   fileinto "INBOX.test";
   notify :method "mailto" :options "bronson at" :low :message
"Hey, no kidding.  Did this work?";

The message gets filed into INBOX.test, but I never receive the
notification.  The cyrus logs don't show any sort of problem and my
mailer logs show that Cyrus never tried to contact it to send the

It's like that last line was steadfastly ignored.

Can anyone tell me how to track this down?  Thanks.

    - Scott

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