2.3.3 Replication Documentation

Patrick Radtke phr2101 at columbia.edu
Tue Mar 21 14:29:58 EST 2006

On Mar 21, 2006, at 1:05 PM, Joel Nimety wrote:

> Muenz, Michael wrote:
>>> Can someone point me to documentation for setting up and managing  
>>> the
>>> new replication feature in 2.3?  I've looked through the cyrus docs
>>> folder and man pages but I thought there might be more  
>>> somewhere.  Thanks.
>> cyrus-imapd-2.3.3/doc/install-replication.html
> How does one failover to the replica?

Depends on your setup.

You can have a VIF on the primary machine and if it fails, up the VIF  
on replica (and of course turn off sync_server)


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