(no subject)

Snezhana Bekova sbekova at mail.bg
Wed Jun 28 12:01:26 EDT 2006

We have 3 backends with Cyrus 2.2.13,
 1 MTA with Postfix and Cyrus Frontend 2.2.13,
 and 1 Cyrus Master Mupdate  with 2.2.13.
The frontend database is not always synchronizing when mupdate database changes.
e.g.: on the backend we create a new cyrus mailbox with a "Sent" folder. In that
case the frontend will only be informed of the existance of the "Sent" folder.
On the backend:
/usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist -d
example.com!user.test    default test at example.com lrswipcda
example.com!user.test.Sent       default test at example.com lrswipcda
On the mupdate master:
/usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist -d
example.com!user.test    1 server3!default test at example.com lrswipcda
example.com!user.test.Sent       1 server3!default test at example.com lrswipcda
On the frontend:
/usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist -d
example.com!user.test.Sent       1 server3!default test at example.com lrswipcda
In this example the frontend database never fully synchronizes with the mupdate
master until the frontend is restarted. This occurs on 50% of the trials. There
are no error messages.
Thank you in advance for your advice!

Snezhana Bekova
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