Auxprop Available properties

Pedro Algarvio ufs at
Mon Jun 19 13:26:40 EDT 2006

What are the properties that auxprop plugins have access to?

What properties can it pass?

Basicly what I'd like is the ability to tell cyrus which mailbox name  
a user has to overrride the behaviour that it gets the mailbox name  
based on the login name.

Pedro Algarvio
   __ ___  ___ _______        ___ __
|   Y   .'  _|   _   .-----.'  _|  |_   .-----.----.-----.
|.  |   |   _|   1___|  _  |   _|   _|__|  _  |   _|  _  |
|.  |   |__| |____   |_____|__| |____|__|_____|__| |___  |
|:  1   |    |:  1   |                             |_____|
|::.. . |    |::.. . |  ufs [AT] ufsoft [DOT] org
`-------'    `-------'    ufs [AT] sapo [DOT] pt

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