problem delivering messages

Pedro Algarvio ufs at
Sat Jun 17 16:31:33 EDT 2006

Quoting Andreas Winkelmann <ml at>:

> Am Saturday 17 June 2006 20:07 schrieb Luís Cargnini:
>> Jun 17 15:12:51 shark deliver[28231]: connect(/var/imap/socket/lmtp)
>> failed: Permission denied
>> Jun 17 15:13:48 shark deliver[28253]: connect(/var/imap/socket/lmtp)
>> failed: Permission denied
>> what i must does to fix this ?
> Giving the User the Permission to connect to the Socket.
> If this is root, I would guess you are running SELinux.
> Or which OS is this?
>> On 6/16/06, Tuan Van <tvan at> wrote:
>> > Luís Cargnini wrote:
>> > >   lmtpunix      cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
>> >
>> > make sure sendmail can access this socket . In Gentoo the default
>> > permission for /var/imap/socket is:
>> > drwxr-x--- 2 cyrus mail 312 2006-05-30 08:31 /var/imap/socket
> --
> 	Andreas
> ----
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Also check the perms on each of the top level dirs of  
/var/imap/socket/lmtp, I had the same problem, postfix wasn't on my  
mail group, maybe your user also needs to be on the mail group.

Pedro Algarvio
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|::.. . |    |::.. . |  ufs [AT] ufsoft [DOT] org
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