Do I need idled on or not?

Simon Matter simon.matter at
Fri Feb 10 01:10:42 EST 2006

> Hi All,
> I noticed the line in cyrus.conf below which was commented previously
> and now included in SuSE 10.0:
> # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
> idled         cmd="idled"
> The IMAP IDLE feature sounds like a good idea - do any mail clients
> support it yet.  If so I will probably leave it on.  Does this mean I
> can tell my e-mail clients using IMAP not to check for new mail?

At least current Mozillas (Thunderbird, Seamonkey...) use IDLE by default.
And it won't hurt even if clients don't use it. I don't know about M$


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