diplay quota for all users

Rafael Mahecha mahecha at jsums.edu
Thu Dec 21 16:22:35 EST 2006

sorry... one more thing... is this the man page that are talking about?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Morgan" <morgan at orst.edu>
To: "Rafael Mahecha" <mahecha at jsums.edu>
Cc: "Cyrus Info List" <info-cyrus at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: diplay quota for all users

> On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Rafael Mahecha wrote:
>> I would like to see the quota for all my users and output that to a 
>> file... I tried the command bellow in a test server, but I'm still a 
>> little reluctant to try it on my production server.
>> su - cyrus -c "/usr/lib64/cyrus-imapd/quota" > /mailstore/quotas_list.txt
>> Is there anything to keep in mind while running the command?
>> Is there are quota database (I did not see one)?
>> Should cyrus be stopped while doing this?
>> Are teh any flags/options to the cyrus quota command?
> We run the quota command nightly on each of our backends in order to 
> generate a list of people that are nearing their email quota.  It takes 
> approximately a minute to run, and has no real performance impact on the 
> servers.  There are a few options for the quota command, which are 
> documented in the manpage.
>  Andy 

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