Some timing info on populating mailboxes

Ross Boylan ross at
Sun Dec 17 14:12:47 EST 2006

The original report on net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack was from someone on a
freebsd 6.0 system.

Now, about this programmatic approach:
On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 11:08:07AM -0500, Wesley Craig wrote:
> Sorry, that's backwards:
> 	int one = 1;
>         if (( proto = getprotobyname( "tcp" )) == NULL ) {
>             syslog( LOG_ERR, "getprotobyname: %m" );
>             return( -1 );
>         }
>         if ( setsockopt( socket_fd, proto->p_proto, TCP_NODELAY,  
> &one, sizeof( one )) != 0 ) {
>             syslog( LOG_ERR, "snet_setopt: %m" );
>             return( -1 );
>         }
> Hopefully you get the idea!
> :wes

Is it enough to set this on the listening IMAP socket, or does it need
to be set on the sockets that get opened up as the dialogue
progresses?  Put differently, can I write a little independent program
to set the socket options, or do I need to modify the cyrus sources
(or perhaps those of mailutils?)?


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