Performance and cheap storage

Phil Pennock info-cyrus-spodhuis at
Mon Aug 7 16:47:10 EDT 2006

On 2006-08-07 at 19:23 +0200, Hack Kampbjorn wrote:
> Phil Pennock wrote:
> >The "easy" fix is theoretically to configure up extra private addresses
> >as aliases on the backend, and distribute the load over all of them.
> >This avoids having multiple ports and multiple entries -- it's one
> >cyrus.conf listening.  The problem may be making sure that the front-end
> >knows that several backends are tied together as being one real system,
> >to avoid interesting failover effects.
> Why not have the extra IPs on the front-end?

Selecting the source address, where there are multiple source addresses,
requires programming to manually force the non-default IP.  The client
needs to explicitly bind() a socket, then connect it to the remote host.
If the software supports it, that's cool, but I was assuming that no
programming was preferred.  Sorry, it's the sysadmin in me.

Adding the IPs on the backend involves no changes in programming.
"Everything has three factors: politics, money, and the right way to do it.
 In that order."  -- Gary Donahue

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