How to remove the Cyrus header in mail for security purpose?

Michael Loftis mloftis at
Mon Apr 24 23:52:13 EDT 2006

--On April 25, 2006 10:13:01 AM +0800 "Patrick T. Tsang" 
<patrick at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have searched the old posts but I cannot find any hints to remove the
> Cyrus header in mail message.
> Anyone who can help me finding which files I should touch?

Be more specific, which header precisely.  Further you're not adding a 
single iota of security, and you'll be making debugging harder down the 
road.  It's a bad idea(tm) to suppress things like Received headers in the 
name of some completely botched idea of 'security.'  It won't make you any 
more secure.

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