Virtual domains and and

Jim Norton jimnorton at
Thu Apr 6 15:25:18 EDT 2006


I've done a lot of googling etc and haven't really found concise 
answers to my questions.. So hopefully somebody here can help me out.

I've been running Cyrus IMAP with Cyrus SASL and Postfix for a few 
years now and have been making sure that the same username such as 
"joe" is only used in one virtual domain because I've not been able to 
figure out how to create two mailboxes such as joe at and 
joe at

So what version of Cyrus IMAP and Cyrus SASL support such a setup and 
how do I configure and create mailboxes like that? And how does this 
work with authentication through Cyrus SASL?

I'm not a super advanced Cyrus IMAP/SASL admin so the more detail that 
can be provided the better... :-)

Thanks all,
Jim Norton -

"I cannot copy nature in a servile way. I must interpret nature and 
submit it to
the spirit of the picture" - Henri Matisse

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