Random deadlocks with cyrus-imapd-2.1.14

Gary Mills mills at cc.umanitoba.ca
Wed Sep 21 18:58:58 EDT 2005

We are running cyrus-imapd-2.1.14, using db-3.1.17 for the
deliver.db and tls_sessions.db.  Lately, we've been getting
deadlocks that stall mail delivery.  When they happen, all of
the lmtpd processes are blocked waiting to acquire a lock.
If I try to run the db_stat utility, it also blocks.  These
deadlocks happen quite randomly, sometimes months apart, but
sometimes only days.  The server is a 4-CPU Sun 480 running
Solaris 9.  I haven't seen reports of anyone else having this

I notice that there is a db_deadlock utility that is able to
break deadlocks.  Should I be running this, or does Cyrus already
do deadlock detection?  I haven't seen any mention of this utility
in the Cyrus documents.

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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