username with dots making me dotty...

Gobbledegeek gobbledegeek at
Sat Sep 3 02:34:45 EDT 2005

       Thanks for replying. yes I've tried user/j.smith. It seems to
work with altnamespace = yes If I remember (I'm not on that machine
now). But only inconsistently. I was successful only once, then the
same messages starting cropping up for the 2nd and 3rd users... ?!!

 I setup a mock isp mail server with dns/postfix for etrn-only mail
spooling for occasional retrival, and a "customer" postfix setup with
squirrelmail and cyrus for endusers..,  phew! As an and FreeBSD user who can consider myself an
advanced power user , I've to say Thank god for proprietory paid
products!! A simple task like creating usernames bogging me down when
I'm a person who can cut custom fedora distros... is it open-source or
CMU cyrus development team that sucks? !! I don't know anymore...  but
I will always recommend xchange or lotus notes from today on...I will
only recommend opensource for email gateways etc from now on.... never
for end-user applications - I swear it.

I think I'll switch to MailDIR/ format mailbox and junk cyrus. (and
preach hatred against cyrus imap.. )

Thanks for your time

On 9/2/05, Ken Murchison <ken at> wrote:
> Gobbledegeek wrote:
> > Hello
> >        I've struggling with this for hours now...  
> > I pit unixheirarchysep = yes in my imapd.conf. 
> Is the above just a typo in your email, or is it also spelled 
> incorrectly in imap.conf?
> > I'm still unable to create in cyradm. 
> > The message I get is either invalid mailbox name or permission denied...
> > 
> > I tried both user/ (invalid mailbox..) and
> > (permission denied) for ex: user.j.smith .. no luck
> It should be user/j.smith
> -- 
> Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer     2495 Main St. - Suite 401
> 716-604-0088 x26      Buffalo, NY 14214
> --PGP Public Key--

Nonchalantly yours
[Every thing but Gobbledegook.. !!]

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