Can't get cyrus imapd 2.2.12 to work on a sparc

Matthijs Mohlmann matthijs at
Sat Nov 12 12:27:35 EST 2005


I'm running FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE on a Ultra Sparc (500Mhz with 512Mb RAM).

I have setup cyrus with postfix and saslauthd. All components are
completely working except cyrus.

What I discovered is that I can create mailboxes in cyrus and can see
them with my imap client. But when I try to deliver a mail to the lmtp
socket / lmtp tcp socket or try to use cyrus/bin/deliver then it gives me:

Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95552]: DBERROR: invalid
berkeley_cachesize value, using internal default
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95552]: sql_select option missing
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95552]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
availableNov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95552]: DBERROR : db4
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes last message repeated 2 times
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95552]: DBERROR: critical database situation
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes master[90620]: service lmtpunix pid 95552 in
READY state: terminated abnormally
Nov 12 18:10:13 hermes lmtpunix[95553]: DBERROR: invalid
berkeley_cachesize value, using internal default

This repeats itself for over 1000 times. When I take a look into the
configdirectory then I see this:
root at hermes:~# ls -al /var/imap
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  10 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 18:07 ./
drwxr-xr-x  29 root   wheel   512B Nov 12 16:21 ../
-rw-------   1 cyrus  cyrus   144B Nov 12 17:07 annotations.db
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 17:07 db/
drwx------   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 18:07 db.backup1/
drwx------   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 17:37 db.backup2/
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 16:21 log/
-rw-------   1 cyrus  cyrus   264B Nov 12 17:07 mailboxes.db
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 16:21 msg/
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 16:29 proc/
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 16:21 ptclient/
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrus  cyrus   512B Nov 12 17:07 socket/

As you can see the mailboxes.db and annotations.db are created
successfully, but the I don't see any deliver.db.

When I try the same setup on a i386 machine then it works perfectly.

If you need more information please tel me. Is there a good way to debug
this kind of things in cyrus ?


Matthijs Mohlmann
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