modifying sieve scripts directly in /var/lib/imap/sieve

Ken Murchison ken at
Sat Jul 9 10:35:06 EDT 2005

Paul Raines wrote:

> THe most glaring problem with sieve is that folder names to be
> sorted into cannot be dynamically determined at script run time
> (unless I have missed some extension that does this).
> A very common thing people do is to sort incoming email into
> folders according to the From address.  Or sorting into a
> folder where the name of the folder has the date appended.
> Ideally sieve would support something like:
> if address :domain :is "From" "" {
>   fileinto "INBOX.$fromAddrUser$";
>   stop;
> }
> where $fromAddrUser$ is a macro that gets replaced at runtime by
> the first part of the from address (i.e. by 'raines' if the
> address is 'raines at')

There is an extension to Sieve in the works which allows the use of 
variables.  No work has been done on Cyrus to add support for this 
extension as of yet.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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