Where's my mail???

Simon Matter simon.matter at ch.sauter-bc.com
Mon Jan 10 16:47:32 EST 2005

> * Thomas Kessler <audiocollage at sbcglobal.net> [0122 17:22]:
> You're mostly there, you just need to knock some sense into
> sendmail.
>> system.conf
> you mean syslog.conf ? Looks alright.
>> xinetd.conf
> <snip>
> This tells xinetd to fire up imapd when a connection comes into the imap
> port.
> Don't know why you want that? Just uncomment the imap line in cyrus.conf
> and have imapd start at system boot, it'll be more efficient.
> This isn't broken, though.

This _is_ broken. Only ancient versions of Cyrus-imapd ran from inetd,
this configuration is simply nonsense with 2.x.

>> sendmail.mc
>> define(`confLOCAL_MAILER', `cyrusv2')dnl MAILER(`cyrusv2')dnl
>> MAILER(local)dnl MAILER(smtp)dnl
> This is the bit that needs fixing - you need to tell sendmail
> a) what domains to send to cyrus
> b) how to get those mails to cyrus
> I don't speak gibberish <g> so don't know what sendmail is doing.
> Does it log  deliveries?  Do you have a mail* logfile in /var/log
> somewhere? See if that has anything useful in it.
> Then google for the error and paste it in blindly :D
> Or use a less clanky mail daemon, exim/postfix/qmail/<almost anything
> else>.

FC3 ships with a usable postfix rpm which makes installation of a working
MTA/Cyrus-imapd quite easy. At least it was easier for me when I switched
6 years ago. The following in /etc/postfix/main.cf should do it:
mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp

Sorry, I still can't help with sendmail.


> --
> 'Oh how awful. Did he at least die peacefully? ....To shreds you say, tsk
> tsk tsk.
> Well, how's his wife holding up? ....To shreds, you say...'
> 		-- Prof. Farnsworth
> Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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