cyrus to sync mail on 2 machines

rado rado at
Sat Apr 2 15:20:55 EST 2005

Hi Y'all
Let me explain what's goin on 1st.
...just a hobby kinda challenge k?
running Redhat Fedora core 3
sendmail etc

2 servers a HA(High Availability) Redundancy project.
1 server is the master the other a slave.
The actual HA swich scripting is done.. If the master goes down, the
slave takes over. Master comes back to the net, the slave relinquished
back to the Master.
enuf for that stuff.

keeping the mail in sync is a grrrrrrr.

Question: Is there anyway thru cyrus imap, pop, murder, whatever, is
there anyway cyrus can take the mail that comes in and sync it to the


John Rose 

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