sendmail bypassing virtusertable

Chris Harms chris at
Wed Oct 13 12:26:01 EDT 2004


We are using sendmail 8.12.11 with cyrus 2.2.3 (about to upgrade to 
8.13.1 / cyrus 2.2.8) and discovered that our entries in virtusertable 
are being ignored.  For our virtual domains we are using the mailer 
table to direct mail to the cyrusv2 mailer as described in the cyrus docs:

domain.tld      cyrusv2d:/var/imap/socket/lmtp

However, we now find that some addresses we have in virtusertable going 
to other domains not hosted on our servers aren't working.  It seems 
that if the entries are not in the aliases file, it bounces with a "user 
unknown" error.  If there is a way to make Sendmail enforce the virtuser 
maps before handing off to the cyrus mailer please advise.


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