Remote User's SMTP relay authorization

Wil Cooley wcooley at
Mon Mar 15 14:43:53 EST 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 11:39, John Gibson wrote:

> I would appreciate any recommendations or success stories which utilize 
> Cyrus IMAP as the standalone mail server and also ways to allow SMTP 
> relaying to *only* our valid, authenticated users.

Postfix supports SMTP AUTH with SASL just like Cyrus (it might only be a
patch; not sure).  The biggest problem for me is that I have to use
LOGIN or PLAIN authentication, which means I really want to wrap the
connections in SSL, but Outlook doesn't generally handle self-signed
certs well.

Wil Cooley                                 wcooley at
Naked Ape Consulting              
* * * * Linux, UNIX, Networking and Security Solutions * * * *
* Naked Ape Consulting           *
* AIX Support & Service    *
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