Expunge automatically?

Michael Sims michaels at crye-leike.com
Fri Mar 19 16:03:04 EST 2004

trichard wrote:
> 1.  Is there a server-side function of IMAP that can be set to expunge
> email automatically upon a move or delete?
> 2.  Is there a client based setting in Outlook that will allow one to
> expunge immediately upon a delete or move?

Not sure about the answers to your questions (although I don't believe #2 is
possible), but here's an alternate idea...you could write a small script
using Perl and the Mail::IMAPClient module (from CPAN) that could run every
5 minutes via cron and issue an expunge command to the shared folder.  It
may not be pretty, but it'll work.  In fact, the amount of time resources it
takes to login, expunge, and logout may be so negligible that you could
afford to run it via cron every 2 minutes or so...

Just a thought...

Michael Sims
Project Analyst - Information Technology
Crye-Leike Realtors
Office: (901)758-5648  Pager: (901)769-3722

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