Moving 1.6.22 cyrus.index to 2.2.latest

Ian G Batten I.G.Batten at
Thu Jun 10 04:49:54 EDT 2004

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Ian G Batten wrote:

> As part of my move from 1.6.22 on Solaris 7 to 2.2.4 on Solaris 10, I
> need to bulk move about six hundred mailboxes totalling about 120GBytes.
> For the pilot users I've used imapsync, which works correctly (including
> moving flags) but is quite slow and resource intensive.
> For service use, I'd ideally just rsync the data over and reconstruct
> the mailboxes on the receiving side.  On current showing, this would be
> a _lot_ faster.  However, it appears to lose flag settings other than
> seen, which some users will grumble about.  I think this is because
> cyrus.seen is flat, while cyrus.index is a database --- I presume
> BerkeleyDB, but I'm not entirely sure.
> I compiled 1.6.22 using BerkeleyDB 3.1.  I'm using Berkeley 4.1 and

Correction.  It was 2.7.7.  And...

> Skiplist in 2.2.4.  If I compiled a copy of cvt_cyrusdb using the same
> set of BerkeleyDB headers and libraries, would it then be capable of
> converting cyrus.index?  Or would the differences between 1.6.22 and

It won't compile, as the API has changed.  It looks like imapsync is my
kiddy, unless there's a really flashy suggestion...

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