db3 version mismatch problems

Marko Cuk cuk at cuk.nu
Mon Jun 21 03:21:32 EDT 2004

Hello ! I have encoutered some strange errors with cyrus-imapd22 and db3.

I have also tried with cyrus 2.1.x with same output.

root at naboo:/var/imap# pkg_info |grep imap
cyrus-imapd-2.1.16_2 The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 
root at naboo:/var/imap# pkg_info |grep db
db3-3.3.11_1,1      The Berkeley DB package, revision 3.3
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2   Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with 
full featu
root at naboo:/var/imap#

Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR db3: Program version 
3.3.11 doesn't match environment version 3.2.9
Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: dbenv->open 
'/var/imap/db' failed: Invalid argument
Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis kernel: Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis 
cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/imap/db' failed: Invalid
Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: init() on berkeley
Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis kernel: Jul 21 00:15:35 amavis 
cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: init() on berkeley
Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: reading 
/var/imap/db/skipstamp, assuming the worst: No such file or direct
Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis kernel: Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis 
cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: reading /var/imap/db/skipstamp, assuming th
e worst: No such file or directory
Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR db3: environment not 
yet opened
Jul 21 00:15:36 amavis cvt_cyrusdb[70743]: DBERROR: opening 
/var/imap/mailboxes.db: Invalid argument

Does anyone have any ideas and can help me on that ?  Server is FreeBSD 
5.2 installed out of the box, ports cvsupped, sasl compiled with MYSQL.

Thanks, Marko

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