Virtual Memory Consumption of Cyrus IMAPd

Mohamed Magdi Abbas abbasmm at
Mon Jul 19 15:11:07 EDT 2004

I'm running cyrus impad(v 2.2.6), used to run 2.1.16, on RHEL 3.0 and 
noticed that the amount of swap space free is decreasing. When I was 
running v2.1.16, the swap free would decrease until the kernel oom(out 
of memory) killer would activate and start killing processes which 
essentially grinds the system to a halt. I doubt that this is normal. 
Could this point to a memory leak in cyrus. Just for note, I have not 
yet experienced this with the latest version, but the swap free is 

By the way I'm using simons RPMS from Could someone shed some 
light on this. Anything will help...

Mohamed Magdi Abbas
Systems Engineer
Longwood University
abbasmm at

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