sieveshell problems

Miham KEREKES miham at
Wed Jan 14 17:12:26 EST 2004


I'm writing a web-based sieve administration tool, and for that, I
wanted to use sieveshell to list/install/activate/etc.. sievescripts on
a per user basis.

After some debug I figured out, that sieveshell doesn't support properly
the --exec option. I've straced it, and found out that the --exec option
doesn't modify the behavior of sieveshell, so it's still reads the
commands from stdin, and in addition, in the internal help it doesn't
mention the --exec option, which is listed when doing 
$ sieveshell --help 
$ man sieveshell

Do anyone have any idea regarding this situation? What cause this
strange behaviour?
How can I use the --exec option?

* Miham KEREKES * Szegedi Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár *
*****************[ miham at ]******************
* Aki mindig a sátor tetején van, annak a sátoraljaújhely.. *

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