Messed up my database libraries, help!

Mark London mrl at
Sun Jan 18 22:24:21 EST 2004

At 6:43 PM -0600 1/18/04, Jim Levie wrote:
>On Sun, 2004-01-18 at 16:56, Mark London wrote:
>>  Hi - On redhat 9, I accidently deleted a bunch of files in /lib.  I
>>  installed the rpms I downloaded from redhat, including db4  However,
>>  I'm getting the following errors, even though I recompiled cyrus.
>>  Any suggestions?  I must have messed up the db libraries, but I can't
>>  figure out how.  Thanks. -  Mark
>I'd suggest doing an 'rpm --verify -a' and see what lib related things
>it complains about. You may not gave gotten everything re-installed that
>got deleted.

Good suggestion, but it didn't help.  However, I did a google search, 
and found that there is a problem with the latest redhat build of 
db4!  db4-utils-4.0.14-20 will not work, and will produce the errors 
I reported.  While the suggested fix is to patch and build it from 
the sources, I simply reverted back to the earlier 
db4-utils-4.0.14-14 version, and the errors went away.  One problem 
always leads to another, sigh.  Thanks.


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