Questions on entries in my /var/log/messages

Jason Williams jwilliams at
Mon Feb 16 15:35:02 EST 2004

Forgot the DB version. :whack!:

DB-4.1.25 is what im running

At 12:16 PM 2/16/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>I had a couple of questions regarding a few entries I see pop up in my 
>/var/log/messages when users log in via imap.
>Here is a snip of my log after a reboot.
>Feb 16 11:58:17 scarydaemons master[105]: process started
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons ctl_cyrusdb[108]: recovering cyrus databases
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons ctl_cyrusdb[108]: skiplist: recovered 
>/var/imap/mailboxes.db (3 records, 876 bytes) in 0 seconds
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons ctl_cyrusdb[108]: done recovering cyrus databases
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons master[105]: ready for work
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons ctl_cyrusdb[117]: checkpointing cyrus databases
>Feb 16 11:58:18 scarydaemons ctl_cyrusdb[117]: done checkpointing cyrus 
>Feb 16 12:03:42 scarydaemons imaps[124]: skiplist: recovered 
>/var/imap/annotations.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds
>Feb 16 12:03:42 scarydaemons imaps[124]: TLS server engine: cannot load CA 
>Feb 16 12:03:42 scarydaemons imaps[124]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher 
>AES256-SHA (256/256 bits reused) no authentication
>Feb 16 12:03:42 scarydaemons imaps[124]: login: [] jwilliams 
>CRAM-MD5+TLS User logged in
>Feb 16 12:03:42 scarydaemons imaps[124]: skiplist: recovered 
>/var/imap/user/j/jwilliams.seen (1 record, 428 bytes) in 0 seconds
>Granted, this is still a work in progress so bear with me.
>The line(s) im most concerned with are the skiplist line, specifically the 
>very last line in the entry.
>Is that normal for that to appear everytime someone logs in via IMAP to 
>check mail?
>Im using:
>FreeBSD 4.9
>I appreciate the help.
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