Problem moving cyrus installation from 32 -> 64 bit system

Palle Girgensohn girgen at
Fri Dec 10 23:31:46 EST 2004

--On fredag, december 10, 2004 19.45.03 -0700 Michael Loftis 
<mloftis at> wrote:

> --On Saturday, December 11, 2004 03:30 +0100 Palle Girgensohn
> <girgen at> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to move an entire cyrus installation from FreeBSD 4.10 on IA32
>> (aka x386) to a new Dell 2850 running FreeBSD 5.3 (amd64, or really
>> EM64T).
>> I use DB3, 3.3.11, on both machines.
>> Cyrus imapd 2.2.8 on the old one, 2.2.10 on the new one.
>> I've dumped/restored /var/imap & /var/spool/imap to the new system. The
>> db3 files, deliver.db and tls_sessions.db, I had to db_dump @ old system
>> && db_load back on the new system; it seems db3 uses a native format that
>> differs between 32 & 64 bit, ctl_cyrusdb -r crashed signal 11 otherwise.
> I don't recall offhand if cyrus automatically re-creates them but both
> tls_sessions.db and deliver.db are (fairly) safe to zero out,
> tlse_sessions.db is definitely, and deliver.db is mostly safe.  deliver
> is use to de-duplicate messages.  Hence why it is purged of entries older
> than N days (I use 3, others may use more or less)

Ah, yes, that's true. Cyrus did complain about it if it did not exist, but 
I never tried delivering anything, so I didn't see cyrus create a new 
deliver.db. Checked just now, and of course it does recreate them as 
necessary. Thanks for pointing this out!

So, anyway, it seems to work now, and the only thing I did was using dump 
instead of tar. Should've known better than to use tar for DB-files, 
perhaps? With tar, ctl_cyrusdb -r core dumps signal 11, with dump/restore, 
it works.

I still get this error:

master[39253]: about to exec /usr/local/cyrus/bin/ctl_cyrusdb
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR db3: Recovery function for LSN 37 4574898 failed
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR db3: warning: /var/imap/deliver.db: No such 
file or directory
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR db3: Recovery function for LSN 37 4574898 failed
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR db3: warning: /var/imap/deliver.db: No such 
file or directory
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/imap/db' failed: No such 
file or directory
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: DBERROR: init() on berkeley
ctl_cyrusdb[39253]: recovering cyrus databases

but removing db/* fixes this. Still wondering if removing db/* breaks 
anything, though... :)


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