Deleted folders still exist in filesystem

Shawn Sivy ssivy at
Mon Aug 16 09:48:47 EDT 2004

When someone deletes a folder or moves a folder to their local hard disk 
(which should delete it on the server), the directory still existing on 
the cyrus server eventhough there is no longer a reference to it in the 
cyrus databases (mailboxes.db).  All of the messages (and cyrus.* files) 
are removed too, but the directory remains.  Is there a reason for this 
or is it a bug or an email client issue?

I'm running Cyrus IMAP 2.2.8 on Solaris 9 (SPARC).  Users typically have 
Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.x or Thunderbird 0.5 (or higher) as their email 


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