cyrus restart needs over 60 min.

Achim Altmann aa at
Wed Sep 3 05:51:30 EDT 2003


i have installed cyrus-imapd-2.1.10 on redhat 8.0 with the following hardware
Tyan-Board with one AMD-2000 MP and 1GB DDRAM and IDE-RAID 10 with

My Mailboxsum are now 1,4 GB on 60 Mailboxes

if i restart cyrus then he need now 30 min.
befor i have had changed the option
 checkpoint    cmd="ctl_mboxlist -c" period=5
to 5
he need over 60 min.

Please could any say.
Is this normal?
How long need cyrus to restart ( or ctl_mboxlist -r to reconstruct the
mailboxes) if i have 100 GB Mailspace ?

2 days or what ?
I think that isn't normal or ?

Could any her say what i have to do or what i can do ?

Thank's a lot for any help's


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