cyrus-imap and fetchmail's "keep"

Pascal Gienger Pascal.Gienger at
Sat Sep 13 06:21:07 EDT 2003

Michi Müller <panic_69 at> wrote:

> unix mboxes... now, using imap, it works as before (i can
> see this in procmail's mail.log) but cyrus seems to drop
> all the mails which it has already delivered before.

Yes, you just met that "duplicate delivery suppression" feature of your 
Cyrus lmtpd. The duplicate  delivery database is purged every 3 days (see 
the appropriate process in your cyrus.conf). You can turn this suppression 
off if you want:

Put in your /etc/imapd.conf (or whereever you have your config fule):

duplicatesuppression: no

Pascal Gienger

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