Summary/Confirmation - RedHat sasl libraries don't work with 2.2.x

Simon Matter simon.matter at
Wed Oct 1 02:50:00 EDT 2003

Joe Rhett schrieb:
> I'd like to note for the record (and anyone else searching) that the sasl
> that ships with Redhat WILL NOT work with 2.2.1.  It returns OK with an
> empty realm.  For unknown reasons, Cyrus then returns an
>     "Login failed: can't request info until later in exchange"
> I'm not sure why Cyrus 2.2.1 is unhappy with the OK response, but it is.

IIRC this is only the case when authenticating using saslauthd, not when
using sasldb.


> As per the only thread I could find on this subject, upgrading to sasl 2.1.15
> solved the problem.  I left the Redhat plugins and saslauthd in place, just
> replaced the shared library and it works.  So Rob's suggestion was correct.
> (Sorry, can't find the original thread handy)
> Can someone with a RedHat contract persuade them to provide updates from
> 2.1.10-3 to 2.1.15 ?
> As stated above, I'm just reaffirming this for other searchers.  When I'm
> searching for solutions to problems, I always appreciate finding confirmation
> that a problem was replicable.
> --
> Joe Rhett                                                      Chief Geek
> JRhett at Isite.Net                                      Isite Services, Inc.

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