Moving user mailbox across partition on Murder

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at
Fri May 9 11:56:28 EDT 2003


According to the install doc for Murder, I should be able to do
something like the following to move user mailbox around :

fe1.test> renm user.joblo user.joblo imap1!part4

However, it fail with "renamemailbox: The remote Server(s) denied the
operation".  In the backend log, we can see the following error :

May  9 11:50:00 imap1 imapd[5643]: Could not move mailbox: user.joblo, LOCALCREATE failed

What could cause LOCALCREATE to fail ?

Thanks for your insight !

Etienne Goyer                    Linux Québec Technologies Inc.       etienne.goyer at

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