Can't keep track of "seen" messages

Rob Tanner rtanner+cyrus at
Thu May 29 14:50:23 EDT 2003


I'm upgrading from an old ESYS/MessagingDirect IMAP server (a commercial
version of an older cyrus 1.x server) to cyrus 2.1.13.  Since the new
server and the old server are both on the same box, I'm not actually
moving the mailbox partitions but just reconstructing in place.  Using
ctl_mboxlist, I was easily able to port over ESYS's flat file mailboxes
file to cyrus.  I created a dummy partition in order to test the server,
and copied over my own set of mailboxes and did the reconstruct -r on

My problem is that after I read a message, close and reopen the mailbox,
the mail shows up again as unread.  Since I am not sure where this
information is stored, I don't know what I might have done wrong.  Can
anyone fill me in.


Rob Tanner
Linfield College
McMinnville, Oregon
rtanner+cyrus at

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