Two huge problems with CMU (tag stable_2.2) sieve 2.0 of the current cvs source !

Christian Schulte cs at
Wed Mar 5 10:19:02 EST 2003

Franz Skale wrote:

>Things are running good with the cvs code of cyrus (branche 2.2) but
>there are 2 probs i have with sieve.
>Btw. i am using sendmail 8.12.8 with the lmtp unix socket delivering
>option. (
>The cvs source from last week worked perfectly with the vacation

I did a cvs update a few minutes ago and this is the first time I 
checked out the sieve-bytecode stuff. Some scripts do not behave as they 
did before! I cannot say why things differ now but somehow mail gets 
delivered to wrong folders say not the folders to which they were 
delivered before?!?! I am using virtdomains, unix-hierarchysep and 
altnamespace (the full program). Is there anything known for which the 
sieve-bytecode compiler does not produce correct bytecode ?


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