pop3d hangs on slow connections with large attachements
lst_hoe at kwsoft.de
lst_hoe at kwsoft.de
Tue Mar 11 05:18:45 EST 2003
Zitat von Ralf Hübl <huebl at gibtec.com>:
> Hi List,
> I have installed cyrus 2.1.9 on a SuSE 8.1
> IMAP and POP3 works very well on the local 100MB/s network.
> But some of my Clients have a slow dial up connections.
> If this clients connect to the server via pop3 the pop3d hangs during the
> download of attachments larger then aprox 100KB.
> The clients software (M$/or not M$) dosn't matter MS Oulook / MS Oulook
> Express / Netscape / PINE / fetchmail and so on ....
> Before I had upgraded, I used an cyrus 2.0.16 on a SuSE 7.3.
> There was the same problem and the reason for my upgrade.
> Please Remarke: the problem occures only on slow connections.
Why do you expect it is Cyrus to blame??
I would say your dial-up is the problem. Search around for problems with MTU if
you have some firewall/router between. This is a connection issue.
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