Ken Murchison ken at
Mon Jun 16 12:26:27 EDT 2003

Daniel Qian wrote:
> In the /var/imap/db directory of my email server I noticed several backup 
> files:
> __db.001  __db.002  __db.003  __db.004  __db.005  log.0000000001 mailbox.dump
> I figure I may use these files to restore messages in mailboxes. But I 
> couldn't find any documentation as to how these files are created and how I 
> could use them to restore mailboxes. Anyone can give me some ideas how they 
> work or point me to some resources where I can get to know how?

These files are for restoring the mboxlist.db, they can not be used to 
restore messages.  If you deleted a message file and don't have a 
backup, you're screwed.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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