Can't delete old folders from before ALTNAMESPACE

Ken Murchison ken at
Mon Jun 16 13:50:55 EDT 2003

Quoting Lee <lee_hoffman at>:

> Hey All,
> One of our users has the following folders listed in his account:
> user/joe/INBOX/A =D (\HasChildren)
> user/joe/INBOX/A =D/Accounts (\HasNoChildren)
> These folders don't exist because the were remnants of our mail system 
> before we turned on ALTNAMESPACE. The problem is that when I try to 
> delete the folder in cyradm or in outlook, cyrus just returns errors.
> Any ideas?

You should be able to delete these from within cyradm as an admin, unless 
somebody deleted stuff by hand from the filesystem.

What errors are you getting from cyradm?

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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