Cyrus to replace UW?

Brad cyrususer at
Mon Jul 28 01:24:42 EDT 2003

Thanks for your reply Jason.

I will look into it, although from your description it may be a bit beyond me. 
I wonder if Linux will ever be ready for the masses? It is still way too 
technical for the average user. 

However, I'll have a go.  ;-)


On Monday 28 July 2003 14:53, you wrote:
> > I have a Red Hat 9 mail server running UW imap and I find that mail
> > retrieval from both Windows and Linux email clients is very slow, even to
> > the extent that the email client sometimes times out waiting for the imap
> > server to respond.
> I regularly open 20,000+ message mailboxes with pine against cyrus.  This
> generally takes <2 seconds to open for me.   "Normal" size mailboxes don't
> take any perceivable time at all to open.  Your mileage may vary with
> windows clients, as they typically want to download all the headers -
> however, they won't be stalled on the server end scanning
> /var/mail/lusername.
> > I have heard that the Cyrus imap server is somewhat faster and was
> > wondering if replacing the UW imap server with the Cyrus server would
> > solve my problem.
> It might.  The road there is long though.  If you are a do-it-yourselfer
> who doesnt' mind getting dirty, reading *docs*, etc, you'll find that
> cyrus is way way worth setting up from a performance and security point of
> view.  I won't say setting up cyrus was easy for me though.  Persistance,
> use of docs, use of the web search features of your favorite search
> engine, etc all pay off big dividends.

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