BerkeleyDB RPC Support

Stephen L. Ulmer ulmer at
Mon Jan 6 23:15:16 EST 2003

Attached is a patch that begins to implement a db3_rpc cyrusdb
back-end. I worked-around my previous question (for now) by just
implementing an open) that fakes the database name from the basename
of the full path of the filename.

I've only tested this with the mailboxes.db so far, the others that
live in "configdirectory" will be tested tomorrow.  I'm not sure what
to do about: the per-user databases that could be db3, ctl_cyrusdb --
and I'm sure there's other stuff too...

Comments please!


Stephen L. Ulmer                              ulmer at
Senior Systems Programmer               
Northeast Regional Data Center                      VOX: (352) 392-2061
University of Florida                               FAX: (352) 392-9440

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: cyrus-imapd.add-db3_rpc+openhack.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 5868 bytes
Desc: Add db3_rpc cyrusdb back-end
Url :

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