cyrus-imspd-v1.6a3 fixed buffer size for options?

Gloria Rom gloriar at
Tue Jan 28 20:22:37 EST 2003

Hi All,

We are testing the Mulberry client with an aged Cyrus (1.4 something)
IMSP server and occasionally getting this error
	Could not set an option:command
	'set' requires 2 properly formed argument(s)
which Mulberry support suggests is due to our a fixed input buffer size
for the options file. He says it is easy to increment that size and
recompile the IMSP server.

I'm not going to change that old server, but I would like to know if
cyrus-imspd-v1.6a3 has a fixed input size for the options file, and if
so, how I could increment it.



Gloria Rom    
UCLA Library Information Systems
gloriar at

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