looking for Cyrus mail format documentation

Mike Brodbelt m.brodbelt at acu.ac.uk
Tue Feb 4 05:19:27 EST 2003

Rob Siemborski wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Phil Howard wrote:
>>| Doing replicated IMAP stores (espeically geographicly distanct ones) is
>>| not an easy problem.
>>It's easy if every message is a separate file.
> This is not true.  It has nothing to do with the implementation of the
> mailstore.

I've never actually had the need to try this, so caveat emptor, but I've
heard of people having some success replicating Cyrus mailstores with
drbd - http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/.

There are limitations to this approach which may make it non-viable for
you - your machines would need to be Linux hosts, and you'd need a
dedicated network link, but it's the most promising approach I've seen
to "simple" mailstore replication between two machines so far.


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