ctl_deliver spewing errors

Andrew Brink abrink at netstandard.net
Fri Feb 14 00:18:53 EST 2003

Guys - 

I'm getting a bunch of messages like the following when I run
ctl_deliver is running,
I'm at my wits end and need some serious help. Any clues about these
errors would be helpful,

Feb 13 22:52:01 titan ctl_deliver[1656]: mydelete: starting txn
2148183055Feb 13 22:52:01 titan ctl_deliver[1656]: DBERROR db4:
DB_ENV->log_flush: LSN past current end-of-log
Feb 13 22:52:01 titan ctl_deliver[1656]: mydelete: aborting txn
Feb 13 22:52:01 titan ctl_deliver[1656]: DBERROR: mydelete: error
deleting <200302110059.h1B0xqGr003815 at titan.nsinoc.com>: DB_NOTFOUND: No
matching key/data pair found


Andrew Brink, CCNA, WCSP 
NetStandard, Inc. 

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