squatter target wildcards (was: Re: ipurge)

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Tue Dec 16 21:55:42 EST 2003

> No, the domain is always appended to the end of the mailboxname.  Try:
> ipurge -f -d 3 user/%/mail/Trash at domain.com

I've noticed that specifying wildcards to squatter doesn't seem to work. 
This makes it rather hard to automate things like

squatter -s user.%

cyrus$ bin/squatter -v user.%
error opening user.%: Mailbox does not exist

from cyrus.conf  - I'm currently using a cron job instead. I was 
wondering if there is any way to use the same wildcard syntax that's 
used in ipurge with squatter.

Craig Ringer

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