squatter target wildcards

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Wed Dec 17 04:20:23 EST 2003

Laurent Larquère a écrit:
> Hi
> squatter has a -r option for recursive work
> it can be used to limit the number of "known" top mailboxes.
> for example squatter -r user works for me

Indeed. In this case, though, I'm interested automatically in indexing 
only the user's INBOXes, and it doesn't seem possible to ask squatter to 
do this. As a result, I'm using someting rather ugly to do it:

su - cyrus -c 'squatter -s $(cd /var/spool/imap && find user/ -type d 
-maxdepth 1 | sed "s/\//./")'

.. and I was just wondering if there was a better way.

Craig Ringer

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