DBERROR db3: 17 lockers (was Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.1.6 Released)

Simon Josefsson jas at extundo.com
Thu Sep 5 21:51:56 EDT 2002

Aidan Evans <ae at is.dal.ca> writes:

>   It was suggested in a reply to your original message that mailboxes.db be
> done with skiplist, so I shutdown Cyrus and switched mailboxes.db from
> Berkeley 4 to skiplist.  This may have helped somewhat, but I'm still
> accumulating thousands of sendmails and 252 lmptds.  Also I'm seeing
> numerous "DBERROR:  mystore: error beginning txn:  Cannot allocate memory"
> messages from lmtpd that did not occur before I switched the mailboxes.db
> database.  These stopped after I stopped sendmail accepting new connections
> and let all the running sendmails complete.  But now lmtpd is ignoring
> connection attempts.  I killed the last one running and no more have
> started, so mail delivery is dead.
>   Time to restart master again I guess.  Any ideas about the cause of these
> difficulties?

No, but perhaps you could try flat databases?  I haven't seen the
error since I changed all critical databases to flat ones.

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