Undocumented cyrus.conf items?

Aidan Evans ae at is.dal.ca
Tue Sep 10 17:28:26 EDT 2002

  Perusing the code in master.c (from 2.1.9) I notice what appear to be
undocumented configuration parameters, e.g., "babysit" and "maxforkrate" in
function "add_service".  Do these have any practical use?

  My real question is "why doesn't master spawn more lmtp processes?";
that's why I was reading the code.  I have hundreds of sendmail-s trying to
connect and only two lmtpd-s.  (Note: I have MAX_USE in service.h set down
from 250 to 1 because with the latter setting eventually imapd-s and lmtpd-s
seem to get confused and stop responding).

Aidan Evans   | Networks & Systems
(902)494-3332 | University Computing & Information Services
              | Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada

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