How to use cyradm with plaintext over SSL or TLS?

Luc Germain Luc.Germain at
Thu Sep 26 18:42:04 EDT 2002


We are using cyrus-imap 2.1.8 and cyrus-sasl-2.1.7. We use plaintext logins
( IMAP -> SASL -> PAM_LDAP -> OPENLDAP) and to protect the passwords, we
force every users to use an encrypted connexion (either through IMAPS or
IMAP+TLS), by putting  "allowplaintext = no" in /etc/imapd.conf and it works
well too.

Now my problem is that I just can't find the way to connect to the server
anymore with either cyradm or a perl script using the CYRUS::IMAP::Admin
module. I need connect using plaintext through IMAPS or IMAP+TLS. Is it

I'm using this code in my script:

$conn_imap = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new( $IMAP_SERVER );
$conn_imap->authenticate(-user => $ACCOUNT_CYRADM,
                         -mechanisms => "plaintext",
                         -minssf => 128,
                         -password => $PASSWD_CYRADM )
    || die "Error: ", $conn_imap->error;

and get this error message:

Login only available under a layer at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/Cyrus/IMAP/ line 114
Error:  at ./createCyrusUser line 84, <PASS> line 9.

what "mechanisms" should I specify to use a connexion through SSL or TLS???



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